We are hiring a postdoc!

Interested in complex self-assembly of disordered and bio-inspired systems? Want to use and develop state-of-the-art numerical techniques at the intersection of machine learning and statistical physics? Want to discover the physics that will enable next-generation materials? Want to work in an exciting, highly interdisciplinary environment in greater Vienna?

Come work with us!

Note: the position has been filled.

Catching up

A lot has happened since September! The first two permanent members of the group, Qing-Long Liu and Maxi Lechner, have arrived as scientific interns. We have also had 3 rotation students: Veronika Szentirmai, Anton Piankov, and Selver Pepic. Welcome all!

Hello World!

Our group officially started at IST Austria on September 1, 2020!

It took us a while to get this website up and running… presumably because we were so focused on science.